my blog

Monday, October 16, 2006


tomorrow is bio pract and what have i done the whole day? do stupid binomial

i'm so frucking going to fail my bio practical. cant remember what a loculus or a pericarp or a placenta is suppose to be. all i can remember is my stupid frucking problems

why is it so frucking hard.

i know i know i'm not suppose to swear but frucking has an extra "r" so it doesnt matter right?

if you ask me if i'm alright
i'm telling you. no. no i'm not. i'm not frucking alright
everything is so frucked up
there isnt a time when there is more frucking shit in my life.
on one hand there is someone frucking ignoring me
on the other hand there are my frucking stupid exams
on my feet there are my family problems
on my head is a frucking head that hurts like hell
i have so much frucking things to do. my piano concert is coming up. my exams are nearing and i havent studied hard enough
plus i have no frucking idea what i am going to do with my life.

actually apart from all those my life is that FRUCKING bad huh
my bull

ever wonder why i'm so short. because there are so many frucking problems on my shoulders. stupid family problems. stupid friendship problems.

i wish i could frucking disappear!


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