my blog

Friday, July 14, 2006


never had so much fun on a school day EVER.
school was the same. except the lessons were more interesting...
after school went to town to buy tickets for 9 people!! hahah. the tics came in a really really lonnng chain. so cool. hahahah i like long ticket chains

after that the 8 people met up with me. and we watched pirates. oooh i love that movie. its so damn cool. i like the octopus guy. i like his mouth. so CUTE!
after that went nydc. manage to surprise yus with a cake. how cool right. once again. the genius in me. hehehhhh
went high with my HIGH buddy. clio. we were singing and laughing and all the shit we were doing. so i went home at around 9 plus .

this stupid ah beng. prank me ... urghhh came up to me and tell me " er, my friends are playing a lame game. can i have your number?" oh my goodness. what kind of pickup line is that. obviously its some stupid dare. why... i look very nice to prank ah. urghhh.


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