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Monday, October 30, 2006

In this issue of JOAN DIGEST we shall examine the main purpose of a government and the real democratic believes driving our society today.

do you agree "that a government is best which governs least" and "that a government is best which governs not at all"
so if a government is truly fuctioning at its best when it does little or nothing then why should there be even a body that is named the government.
by shaking this very foundation of our modern world, let us question the prescence of legislators, presidents, ministers ,lawyers and politicians.
all these people that rarely score distinctions in moral issues. these people that do not rule with their conscience. should we judge them by their actions? or should we judge them by their intentions. THEN again how can ones intentions be made known to be expedient or inexpedient since it is an intention and, is rarely made known to others but, can only be seen through actions.

a mass of man serving the state, serving the government. what is made of them? a clump of dirt or a pile of straws? they serve as wooden men carved from the very existence of a government. serving the nation not with their heart or conscience but with their body as tools of mass destruction. without these tools, the government would be powerless. thus this implies that the government is rarely a government of conscience but a government of self gain. a man would be truly useful as a man if he start thinking with conscience and not performing as a tool. this is when it is made known to mankind that majority is not right. not at all.

democracy values the importance of the views of the majority. yet how can we ensure that these "majority" are thinking with their conscience and not expediently. would there be injustice occuring even if the solid majority is backing u on it? yes there would. because more often than not the majority is ruled by self gain and interest of the individual that makes up the majority. take a good look at the world around you. how often do you see injustices, stifling of a voice which is radical yet with conscience in nature. many a times an individual that has the "right" thinking is gagged up by the majority which is supossedly always right. just look at the irony of it. a sad tragedy of the 21st century. the wrongs being carried out while the rights being stifled. the rights being oppressed and the wrongs being paraded with credit.

why? why become the government when all you do is affect the world's population in a negative way. why beome the government when one is not ruled by conscience. why become the government when you are nothing but the devil ruling in denial thinking that you are a saint.

why do we support them when we know its wrong. why does the majority not stop and think. why is it that the majority is always viewed as right? why?

as questions hang unanswered, as light always dim into nothingness, as life always diminish into silence, i leave you with a question that is unanswered. WHY DO WE PARTAKE IN IT WHEN WE KNOW ITS WRONG?


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