my blog

Saturday, June 17, 2006

squeeze me with bumble bee... lalalalalalala. ok i cant catch the words already.

my recent new found hobby: DDR
my recent new found DDR partner: CLIO
hahahah we rock man. we mastered the bumble bee. and almost reaching butterfly standard. hahah. i have been dancing to techno. YES like wth. but its real fun to follow the arrows. haha i am so addicted to it. itsl ike 40cent per game at the club. haha its damn fun!!
well dont blame me if i turn into an ah lian. cOsZx ItZX AllZX InFLuEnceZX bAhxZX. hahahahah

i'm tired . and when i am tired i get high. today training was quite fun. a least i could move the boat which ever way i like. oooh i love boat 12. but that Jared guy booked it already. grarrrr. yus's darling eh. hahahah

well today joan did a good deed. hahah heeeee. hahahahah i really did a good deed. joan grins. only me and the good deed knows what i did. hahaha
ok i totally dread whats coming up next week. oh my god. i must finish all my homework this weekend. if not i wont be able to finish them before school starts. and wed to sun i have sentosa regatta. AND the boat charter costs $102. maybe a little less. but we are not talking about 10 or 20 bucks. its like probably 90 plus?. i dont know. urghhhh. and i really hope its going to be light wind. and i really hope i dont suck that bad. just follow the RI people. i'll be alright. RIGHT?? please say RIGHT.

well BYE!
and all those talk about private blog. i have one too. heee its this one. cause no one actually knows my secret new add. CHEEERS to JOAN!


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